META ADS that don’t suck

you deserve

(the life from you) so you can focus on what you do best

the truth? Most ad agencies kinda suck

They tell you what you want to hear, show you all their best moves, they even make things “Facebook official”.

And then, all of sudden, they’re treating you like you’re just a number, palming you off to the intern, and giving you cookie-cutter solutions.

The good news? It’s not you, it’s them.

You deserve meta ads that actually work

The right ads partner can (and should) be an asset to your business.

Facebook and Instagram ads CAN get awesome results, amplify your marketing strategy, provide valuable insights, and drive profitable growth.

And when your ads are doing their job, you can get back to what you are good at.

Our Clients

The world doesn’t need more mass-produced crap or guru-based fakery.

The world needs more genuine, ethical and sustainable brands.

That’s why we only partner with brands who are dedicated to making their slice of the world a better place and genuinely care about their impact - like you.

Meta ads that break records, win industry awards & generate big returns for our clients.

Lume Marketing has just been the best marketing agency. We have previously used a few different agencies for Anorakki, and none compare to Lume!

They have brought around fantastic results for us. We highly recommend them!


Owner / Anorakki

do you love your agency this much?

are you ready to find

your perfect ads partner?

You deserve ads that don’t let you down. Let us help

make meta ads actually work for you

We can take the wheel and run your ads for you so you can focus on what you do best.

Take our “Should you let someone else take the wheel, or be your own ads boss” Quiz.

unsure if you are ready for an agency?